
Fugitive Dust
Also know as nuisance dust consists of dust particles that are small than 10 microns (PM10) that, when breathed in, create respiratory and other health issues. Do you have issues in your neighborhood and don't know who to call?

Is there enough being done to prevent vehicle track out of dirt and sediment onto our public streets and highways?
SWANA ARF Report on Long-Term Environmental Risks of Subtitle D Landfills
Speaker: Jeremy O’Brien, Director, SWANA Applied Research Foundation
Session Description: In this presentation, key findings and highlights from SWANA’s newly released, peer-reviewed report on “The Long-Term Environmental Risks of Subtitle D Landfills” will be addressed.

This report summarizes what is known about the actual long-term environmental risks associated with Subtitle D landfills and introduces long-term care alternatives that can be used to manage and minimize these risks. This presentation will include findings regarding the current performance of the environmental protection systems that are integral components of Subtitle D landfills, as well as conclusions regarding the types and magnitudes of the long-term environmental risks that these landfills present. Monitoring programs and management strategies that can be used to mitigate these risks and improve long-term environmental performance of Subtitle D landfills will also be presented.

In light of its important and far-reaching conclusions, the report was subjected to an outside peer review by an independent panel comprised of leading academicians and was subsequently revised to respond to the questions and comments raised through the peer review process.

To access the report or for more information about SWANA’s Applied Research Foundation (ARF), please visit www.swana.org/arf.